AWS Integration
"make AWS easier"
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The AWS Integration project provides a Java DAO layer to client applications making the Amazon Web Services (AWS) even easier to use, especially for J2EE developers.

Using the integration API, you don't have to work with the web services directly, or even through the Axis generated API, you access the Amazon data seamlessly using simple DAO and JavaBeans.


Probably the best thing about the AWS Integration project is that it provides seamless support for the international versions of AWS, you can quickly set your site up to show US specific product data when view from the US, or UK specific from the UK. Add your associate Id and you can quickly access earnings from whole new countries!


The project is licensed under the GNU General Purpose License (GPL), we're always looking for developers to help maintain and improve the library, so if you're interested, pop over to and email an administrator.

 copyright © 2005 toby weston, all rights reserved. AWS Integration is licensed under the GNU GPL.